Homeworld to the Cybertronian species - who would be nicknamed "Transformers" by other species - Cybertron is a unique astrological anomaly somewhere between planet, multiversal nexus, and creator deity.
The Transformers' homeworld is located in orbit around the star Shaula (lambda scorpii), which can be seen from Earth as the second brightest object in the constellation Scorpius, located in its tail.
Major Territories
The Undergrid
Vector Sigma
In the Cybertronian's creation myth, their gods went to war against one of their own, the god of death, and the light-bringer Primus was so badly wounded that he had to merge with Cybertron itself in order to survive. He reformatted himself into Vector Sigma, the life-giving supercomputer in the core of the planet! Vector Sigma created new Cybertronian life by periodically sending out pulsewaves that ignited new sparks across the planet, though over time these waves grew less frequent and eventually ceased, forcing Nova Prime to extract new sparks from the Matrix of Leadership instead.
Vector Sigma would continue to serve as Cybertron's primary source of energon, and the religious myths surrounding it caused many to believe it was a miracle machine that would continue to provide them with energy forever.
Senator Shockwave, on the other hand, believes the computer to be part of a system that isn't designed to handle the sprawling metropolis Cybertron had become thanks to Nova Prime's population boost, and fears that it would eventually run dry. His prediction seems to be coming true, as Cybertron is now beginning to experience energon shortages....
(Quoted from The Transformers Wiki)