Robots In Disguise Wiki
Robots In Disguise Wiki
Name Kickback
Faction Neutral
Function Espionage
Class Unknown
Alt Mode Swarmer
Species DFC
Subgroup Insecticons


"Who among us are the true beasts?"

Captured and sold as a hatchling to Senator Proteus as an exotic pet, Kickback's life took a dramatic change after a visit from the Primordial, Tarantulas. Growing rapidly, he stunned Vosian researchers with his ability to transform, and more importantly, speak. Presently in the care of Arcee, Kickback assumes she is his Queen, and will defend her with his life. Young and naive, Kickback is only beginning to understand the struggles of his frametype in society. How long his trust and goodnatured personality lasts when he learns the full extent of Insecticon oppression and abuse has yet to be seen. 


Taken as a hatchling from a wild hive in the Acid Wastes, Kickback was sold as an exotic pet to Senator Proteus . All was well for Kickback, living in his own terrarium in Proteus' office, until a visit from Tarantulas changed everything. Injected with 'nutrients', Kickback grew and developed rapidly, but it wasn't just his size that increased - so did his intellect. Proteus, seeing Kickback as a nuisance that might eat more than he was worth, ordered Arcee to get rid of him. Arcee took pity on Kickback and decided to keep him for herself.

Displaying first an ability to mimic words and then the ability to comprehend them, Kickback was taken to a research facility in Vos headed by Blast Off at Arcee's request. There, he stunned researchers by his ability to speak. Intelligently. He expressed his desire to learn more, and designated Arcee as the Queen of his hive (obviously since she cared for him).

Now considered a freak of nature (and potentially a shining example of how wrong Functionism is concerning beast-forms and Insecticons in specific), Kickback had been kept under lock and key, until he shocked researchers again by decrypting their passcodes and letting himself out of his enclosure. His first taste of freedom has been cut short, as Prowl convinced Arcee to 'do the right thing' and turn him over to state custody.

It only gets worse from here.  


Rapid Learning, Knowledge: Wavespeech, Hive Control, Insecticon Translator.


September 2014 Logs
NC Institute
December 2014 Logs
August 2014 Logs
  • Origin Of The Species: Tarantulas pays a visit to Senator Proteus and plays veterinarian with his pet. Arcee and Blast Off are creeped out.
April 2015 Logs
  • Buggy Healthcare: Overclock returns to the Great Hive and is introduced to Insecticon medicine by Kickback. The psych therapy afterwards is complementary.


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That sinking feeling you get when he realizes society betrayed him.

Insectibabies by o rlyization-d3e0w67

Kickback's baby picture. How could Arcee resist? (o-rylization at Deviant Art)
